Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Beginning of a New Age

The face of publishing is changing rapidly. E-books appear threatening to big-time publishing houses, but liberating to writers. More and more writers are turning to self-publishing. They don't have to wait months just to hear their manuscript was rejected. Writers are learning to self-publish and then use reader feedback to determine the value of their work.

Unfortunately, that also means a decrease in quality. Readers will purchase e-books and give them good reviews based solely on the reduced price. Currently, there is no kind of quality control in the self-publishing world. Readers have to be willing to sift through tons of bad-to-mediocre writing. Many have simply given up.

This blog is meant as a reference for readers and writers. We search through self-published e-books and review any that we would rate a three-star or higher. Our hope is that readers will come to us for ideas on what to read next. Then, perhaps self-published writers will become more concerned with their own writing quality as they work toward getting a good review on our blog.